タイトル:云南腾冲小肉串,小巷烧烤一条街,焦香辣五花肉,阿星逛翡翠集市Skewer Street in Tengchong, Yunnan
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-03-07 14:07:48
When you come to Tengchong, Yunnan, there are two skewers to experience, one is jade skewers, and the other is barbecue skewers. Axing visits the open-air jade market in Tengchong and eats special small skewers. At night, the alleys are smoky, and the charcoal stove roasts beef kebabs, tendon kebabs, small melons, and spicy pork belly. The whole street is full of burnt aroma.
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