吉林鸭绿江大鲤鱼,东北柴火铁锅杀猪菜,阿星吃玉米饼子泡鱼汤Stewed fish from the Yalu River in Jilin / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

吉林鸭绿江大鲤鱼,东北柴火铁锅杀猪菜,阿星吃玉米饼子泡鱼汤Stewed fish from the Yalu River in Jilin / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:吉林鸭绿江大鲤鱼,东北柴火铁锅杀猪菜,阿星吃玉米饼子泡鱼汤Stewed fish from the Yalu River in Jilin

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-01-09 10:41:58


Jilin Ji’an is located on the Yalu River. It is a quiet border city across the river from North Korea. When you come to Ji’an, there is one delicacy that cannot be missed, that is, the cold-water big fish in the Yalu River. There are many restaurants along the river that serve this delicacy. The fish is stewed in a wood-fired iron pot for more than an hour. The potatoes and fish are full of fragrant sauce. The corn cakes are eaten in fish soup. There are also Northeastern specialties of Shazhucai, fragrant blood sausages and pork belly, porridge and small pickles, have the feeling of Northeast winter.



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