广东小镇三点三,下午茶小吃接地气,阿星吃开平濑粉,钵仔糕Cantonese Afternoon Tea Snacks in Jiangmen / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东小镇三点三,下午茶小吃接地气,阿星吃开平濑粉,钵仔糕Cantonese Afternoon Tea Snacks in Jiangmen / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:广东小镇三点三,下午茶小吃接地气,阿星吃开平濑粉,钵仔糕Cantonese Afternoon Tea Snacks in Jiangmen

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-12-01 12:51:05


Kaiping, Jiangmen, Guangdong, the ancient town here not only has the Diaolou buildings known as Guangdong cultural heritage, but also the famous 3.3 afternoon tea. The 3.3 originated from the English afternoon tea, and later became popular in Hong Kong and Macau and spread to Guangdong. In the small town of Yueshan, every three o’clock in the afternoon, everyone puts down their work and gathers in the old street for tea and snacks, and the leisurely grandfather fills the street. Axing tasted beef offal, rice noodles, bowl cake, and experienced Cantonese afternoon tea delicious snacks.



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