吉林集安高丽火盆,小镇30年老店,猪肉牛杂煎一锅,朝鲜族美食Traditional snack Gaoli Brazier in Ji’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

吉林集安高丽火盆,小镇30年老店,猪肉牛杂煎一锅,朝鲜族美食Traditional snack Gaoli Brazier in Ji’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:吉林集安高丽火盆,小镇30年老店,猪肉牛杂煎一锅,朝鲜族美食Traditional snack Gaoli Brazier in Ji’an

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-01-05 10:52:38


Ji’an, a small city in Jilin, is located on the bank of the Yalu River, across the river from North Korea, and is known as the small Jiangnan in the Northeast. The Gaoli Brazier is the specialty food here. Gaoli was called Gogouli in ancient times. Now there is a Gaoli Brazier Street specializing in gourmet food in Ji’an City. Axing came to the founding restaurant of Gaoli Brazier in Yulin Town. This old restaurant in the small town has been open for 30 years. A pot full of pork, beef offal, tofu and bean sprouts, as well as iced cold noodle with characteristic elm bark, sitting on the Kang in winter.



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