タイトル:四川自贡长生面,中药滋补鸡汤,阿星吃麻辣抄手,逛恐龙博物馆Changsheng Noodle in Zigong, Sichuan
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-07-26 11:00:01
There are three unique things in Zigong, Sichuan, well salt, dinosaur fossils, and lanterns. Axing visits the Dinosaur Museum in Dashanpu Town, and tastes the town’s snack, spicy red oil Chaoshou. There is also the famous local noodle, Changsheng noodle, chicken soup made with delicious and nourishing Chinese medicine. Although it is light and without any chili, the delicious taste is very popular.
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