广西钦州夜宵美食,糖水3元配油饼吃,猪脚粉酸香,现烤叉烧美味Street Foods in Qinzhou, Guangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广西钦州夜宵美食,糖水3元配油饼吃,猪脚粉酸香,现烤叉烧美味Street Foods in Qinzhou, Guangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广西钦州夜宵美食,糖水3元配油饼吃,猪脚粉酸香,现烤叉烧美味Street Foods in Qinzhou, Guangxi

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-07-08 11:00:01


In summer, Qinzhou, Guangxi, almost no pedestrians can be seen during the day. The whole city is active at night. After dark, various open-air food stalls open, and people also flock to the streets to eat supper. Qinzhou’s most famous food is trotters noodle, the rich and sour soup tastes, it is said that even the gods will roll after eating it, and there are freshly roasted barbecued pork. 3 yuan a piece of sugar water, unlimited additions, crowded with men, women and children who came to cool off.



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