タイトル:河南洧川赶大集,麻酱羊汤烩面,芝麻烧饼酱牛肉,人山人海好热闹Food at the rural market in Weichuan
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-11-13 13:15:02
Weichuan is a well-known ancient town in Weishi County, Henan Province. There is a Central Plains Village Market on 3, 6, and 9 days of the lunar calendar. The lively market gathers many local delicacies. The Weishi specialty braised noodles with sesame sauce, and a bowl full of noodles and lamb soup. The white and crystal Liangfen is filled with seasonings made by local women. The crispy sesame buns can also be eaten with braised beef. The folks who came from all directions at the market sat together and enjoyed the delicious snacks.
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