タイトル:延吉朝鲜族传统小吃,水豆腐滑嫩,豆浆面冰爽,拌杂菜别具风味Traditional Snack Water Tofu in Yanji,China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-08-30 12:15:24
Tofu originated in China, and it was introduced to North Korea in the Song Dynasty to form the snack Water Tofu. Yanji Korean traditional snack Water Tofu is different from Tofu Nao and other delicacies. It has a smooth and tender taste. It uses a large bowl and a small bowl to increase the taste. When eating, it is served with sauces, side dishes and black rice, which are fresh and salty. Axing also tasted the icy soy milk noodle and the unique mixed vegetables, which is a delicious meal.
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