海南琼山什寒村,农家美食簸箕宴,阿星吃黎苗族鱼茶,臭到流眼泪Rural Delicacy of the Li and Miao Nationality in Hainan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

海南琼山什寒村,农家美食簸箕宴,阿星吃黎苗族鱼茶,臭到流眼泪Rural Delicacy of the Li and Miao Nationality in Hainan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:海南琼山什寒村,农家美食簸箕宴,阿星吃黎苗族鱼茶,臭到流眼泪Rural Delicacy of the Li and Miao Nationality in Hainan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-09-07 19:00:43


The Qiongzhong area is in the middle of Hainan Island. The mountains here are covered with tropical rain forests, hidden in quiet small villages in the mountains. Zahan Village is known as one of the most beautiful villages in China. It can only be reached through winding roads. The Li and Miao people mainly live here. Axing ate a feast of farmhouse delicacies. Local chicken stewed dendrobium, fragrant fried small river fish, and special gourmet fish tea, smelly to tears.



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