重庆夜宵坝坝烧烤,泡菜苕皮豆干,麻辣拌素菜,阿星吃红油土豆粉Street Night Snack Spicy Barbecue in Chongqing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

重庆夜宵坝坝烧烤,泡菜苕皮豆干,麻辣拌素菜,阿星吃红油土豆粉Street Night Snack Spicy Barbecue in Chongqing / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:重庆夜宵坝坝烧烤,泡菜苕皮豆干,麻辣拌素菜,阿星吃红油土豆粉Street Night Snack Spicy Barbecue in Chongqing

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-04-17 11:00:09


There is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below, but nothing compares to the bright lights of Chongqing. Compared to admiring the night view of Hongya Cave and along the river, night snacks in Chongqing must be reserved for the spicy barbecue, the smoky charcoal fire is the most soothing to the hearts of ordinary people. Roasted sweet potato skin and dried tofu, chopped vegetables, and bright red oil are the characteristics of Chongqing-flavored barbecue. Sitting in the quiet courtyard of the dam, enjoy a portion of red oil and potato noodle, and then have a drink The iced mung bean paste sold in the streets and alleys, spend the night of foodies.



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