タイトル:海南四大名菜东山羊,三亚阿婆经营40年老店,阿星吃炭火羊肉火锅Dongshan Lamb Hot Pot in Sanya
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-08-18 18:00:02
Jiaji duck, Wenchang chicken, Hele crab, and Dongshan Lamb are known as the four famous dishes in Hainan, representing the deliciousness of Hainan cuisine. Axing came to beautiful Sanya and tasted the Dongshan Lamb Hot Pot. Grandma has been operating a lamb restaurant for more than 40 years. She specializes in white-cut lamb, lamb chops, lamb tripe, as well as delicious lamb soup.The hot pot is cooked on a charcoal fire, and the locals enjoy it.
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