タイトル:四川自贡厕所兔,露天流水席场面,冷吃兔肉巴适,阿星吃麻辣兔头Street food toilet rabbit in Zigong
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-07-23 11:00:00
Sichuan has a tradition of eating rabbit meat. Dry pot rabbit, silk-wrapped rabbit, rabbit hot pot, cold rabbit, rabbit noodle, which can be made into a variety of delicacies. Zigong in Sichuan is even more of a cosmic rabbit breeding center. Children in 1980s even memories of mowing and feeding rabbits after school, and the cooking level of rabbit meat was generally high. The toilet rabbit next to the public toilet in the old residential area is a unique delicacy. The dry pot rabbit is oily and spicy, and the cold rabbit is delicious and chewy. The scene is like an open-air banquet, which is a local delicacy.
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