甘肃甘加秘境,阿星吃藏族小吃,牛羊肉藏包子,尕困肉汤巴勒馅饼Tibetan snacks in Gansu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

甘肃甘加秘境,阿星吃藏族小吃,牛羊肉藏包子,尕困肉汤巴勒馅饼Tibetan snacks in Gansu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:甘肃甘加秘境,阿星吃藏族小吃,牛羊肉藏包子,尕困肉汤巴勒馅饼Tibetan snacks in Gansu

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-06-01 11:00:10


The secret land of Ganjia in Xiahe County in southern Gansu has the natural beauty of grasslands, lakes and plateaus, and the rising mountains are very shocking. There are mud dwellings in the Tibetan villages, and Axing also meets the villagers to scatter apples during a horse race in April. Axing tastes Tibetan noodles, which are all kinds of snacks made with beef and mutton fillings. Tibetan steamed buns are called ox-eye buns. Gaku is a dough covered with lamb soup. Bale is fried pie, served with milk tea and tiger-skin chili, which is a daily meal of the Tibetans.



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