タイトル:上海七宝老街,千年美食古镇,葱油饼猪蹄海棠糕,阿星吃美味小吃Qibao Old Street Snacks in Shanghai
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-05-15 11:00:03
The ancient town of Qibao in Shanghai has a history of more than a thousand years. It is very close to the city and has the scenery of water village. Qibao Old Street in the ancient town is a famous food street where various snacks are delicious and affordable. Axing tastes the delicacies of the old street, white-cut lamb, scallion pancake, minced meat Tangtuan, soy pig’s trotters, and Begonia cake, each of which is a real Shanghai delicacy.
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