タイトル:甘肃天水早市小吃,红油辣椒呱呱,香酥猪油盒,阿星街头吃早餐Street breakfast in Tianshui
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-06-19 11:00:05
Tianshui is a small city in southern Gansu. It not only produces Huaniu Apple, one of the four major apples, but also many special snacks in Longnan. Axing woke up early to go to the morning market and eat the authentic Tianshui breakfast on the street. The Guagua made of buckwheat, add red oil chili, the bottom part of the pot is more popular, and a bowl of apricot tea made of fresh almonds is a must-try. There are also fried lard boxes, poached egg soup, and potato balls, which are also good choices.
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