西安户县机场烤肉,手擀软面拿盆吃,特色洋葱蘸酱,涮牛肚泡干饼Airport BBQ and Huxian soft noodle in Xi’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

西安户县机场烤肉,手擀软面拿盆吃,特色洋葱蘸酱,涮牛肚泡干饼Airport BBQ and Huxian soft noodle in Xi’an / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:西安户县机场烤肉,手擀软面拿盆吃,特色洋葱蘸酱,涮牛肚泡干饼Airport BBQ and Huxian soft noodle in Xi’an

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-02-01 12:42:01


Huyi District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, formerly known as Hu County, where an airport was established in 1937. There are many famous barbecue restaurants around the old airport. Roasted lamb is sold by catty, eaten with onion and sweet sauce, free delicious lamb soup. The most distinctive feature is the hand-made soft noodle made by local farmers. The chewy wide noodle is full of authentic Shaanxi Guanzhong taste. Before the relocation of these airport barbecue restaurants, it is a memory of many people that they could even eat barbecue and watch the planes take off and land on summer nights. Axing eats noodle in a pot, just eat garlic more delicious.



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