青海西宁必吃面食,干拌羊肠面,香辣酿皮,美味小吃酸辣可口Street snack lamb intestine noodle in Xining, Qinghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

青海西宁必吃面食,干拌羊肠面,香辣酿皮,美味小吃酸辣可口Street snack lamb intestine noodle in Xining, Qinghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:青海西宁必吃面食,干拌羊肠面,香辣酿皮,美味小吃酸辣可口Street snack lamb intestine noodle in Xining, Qinghai

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-10-05 11:15:01


Xining, Qinghai is located in northwestern China. In ancient times, it had the meaning of tranquility in the west, and it was called the capital of summer because of the suitable temperature in summer. Coming to Xining not only can eat meat, but also the noodles here. The most famous noodles are lamb intestine noodle and Rangpi. They are delicious snacks that must be eaten, and have the same taste. They also add chili, vinegar, leeks, and garlic juice. The spicy and sour flavor is very enjoyable. Axing takes you to taste the old authentic noodle and Rangpi restaurants, which are all delicious memories of the locals since they were young.



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