タイトル:广东江门水鸭冬瓜盅,整颗瓜煲汤,司前夜鱼鲜美,阿星吃本味粤菜Cantonese Cuisine Duck and Winter Melon Soup in Jiangmen
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-01-20 11:23:18
Winter melon soup is a very famous dish in Cantonese cuisine. The whole winter melon is used to make soup, and meat, seafood, grains, Chinese medicine and other ingredients are added in the middle. It is stewed for several hours in water. The soup tastes sweet and rich. It is popular in Jiangmen. Farmhouse restaurants are popular. There are also delicious Siqian town night fish and freshly made mud-baked chicken, all of which are light and nourishing local dishes that taste the original flavor of the ingredients.
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