タイトル:重庆万州烤鱼,古法明火碳烤,现炒香辣料汁,阿星吃鱼汤拌面Wanzhou Grilled Fish in Chongqing
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-12-07 11:21:58
Wanzhou, formerly known as Wanxian, is now the Wanzhou District of Chongqing. It is located in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River. Since ancient times, it has been a distribution center for waterborne goods. Its unique geographical location has created Wanzhou’s gourmet flavor. Wanzhou grilled fish can be said to be Wanzhou’s most famous food business card. It is a grilled fish with fragrant and spicy characteristics. It is first marinated, then fire-roasted, and finally simmered. It is a hot pot in barbecue and a barbecue in hot pot. Axing tasted spicy grilled fish in the mountain city of Chongqing, and explored the history of grilled fish in the Changjiang River.
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