タイトル:广东粤菜农庄,顺德名菜酿鲮鱼,烧鹅皮脆肉嫩,阿星吃广式煎堆Farm Cantonese Cuisine in Shunde
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-11-13 14:23:22
Shunde is one of the important birthplaces of Cantonese cuisine in Guangdong. Shunde cuisine pays attention to freshness, flavor and tenderness. Whether it is the choice of ingredients or cooking skills, it has its own unique standards. Axing eats Shunde farm dishes, one of the top ten famous dishes in Guangdong is the Rang Lingyu, red roasted goose, the fragrant but not greasy steamed pork with straw, and the dessert Cantonese Jiandui. The food here is really meticulous.
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