タイトル:吉林延吉菜包饭,各种蔬菜包肘子肉,蘸酱才是灵魂,阿星一口一个Yanji Snack Vegetables Wrapped Rice in China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-09-05 11:00:02
There is a Korean cuisine in Yanji, Jilin called Baofan, which is eaten with various organic vegetables wrapped in meat and condiments. It often appears in Korean dramas and is very greedy. Various vegetable leaves, large and small, oily elbow meat, smeared with soul dipping sauce, put in onion, chili, garlic slices, and then covered with a spoonful of rice, hold it in both hands and eat it in one bite. There is also the cold bellflower called Daolaji, the pink rice wine brewed by the restaurant, sweet and sour.
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