四川达州美食,凤凰山豆花饭,酸辣砂锅米线,阿星吃小镇串串火锅Traditional spicy street food in Dazhou, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

四川达州美食,凤凰山豆花饭,酸辣砂锅米线,阿星吃小镇串串火锅Traditional spicy street food in Dazhou, Sichuan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:四川达州美食,凤凰山豆花饭,酸辣砂锅米线,阿星吃小镇串串火锅Traditional spicy street food in Dazhou, Sichuan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-10-29 18:03:05


Dazhou, known as Tongzhou in ancient times, is located in the eastern part of Sichuan Province. It is a mountain city surrounded by mountains and shrouded in smoke, with a leisurely and slow pace. Climb high in the morning and eat bean curd rice while looking far into the distance, eat spicy and sour casserole rice noodles along the river at noon, and eat skewers hotpot in the town at night. Not only are you able to find Sichuan cuisine here, but there are also verdant green mountains, quietly flowing water, and loud and enthusiastic people.



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