安徽淮南美食,牛肉汤土豆片,寿县绿豆圆子,阿星吃八公山豆腐宴Traditional snacks and tofu feast in Huainan, Anhui / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

安徽淮南美食,牛肉汤土豆片,寿县绿豆圆子,阿星吃八公山豆腐宴Traditional snacks and tofu feast in Huainan, Anhui / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:安徽淮南美食,牛肉汤土豆片,寿县绿豆圆子,阿星吃八公山豆腐宴Traditional snacks and tofu feast in Huainan, Anhui

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-08-31 14:46:29


Nothing beats the two banks of the Huaihe River. Huainan, Anhui Province is on the bank of the Huaihe River, and the old neighborhood of ferry is still the same as it used to be. Whether it’s a bowl of Huainan beef soup late at night or a plate of Huainan potato chips during the day, it’s a nostalgic taste. The idioms and allusions in the ancient city of Shouxian County are still talked about by people. While searching for the stories, you can also harvest authentic delicacies in the streets and alleys. Bagong Mountain outside the county is considered the birthplace of tofu. It’s also a good choice to try the tofu feast.



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