云南泸西卤鸡凉品,酸辣凉米线,红油拌面筋,阿星逛彝族城子古村Special gourmet cold food in Luxi, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南泸西卤鸡凉品,酸辣凉米线,红油拌面筋,阿星逛彝族城子古村Special gourmet cold food in Luxi, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南泸西卤鸡凉品,酸辣凉米线,红油拌面筋,阿星逛彝族城子古村Special gourmet cold food in Luxi, Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-07-16 11:15:02


The most famous delicacy in Luxi County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province is cold food. Cold food refers to cold braised chicken, cold rice noodle, cold dishes, etc., with special cooking methods and seasonings, which are very local. The small restaurant in the market is very lively at noon. The hot and sour chicken sliced rice noodle, red oil mixed with gluten, and thinly sliced braised pork are crowded with local diners around. After eating, you can take a stroll around the nearby Chengzi Ancient Village of the Yi Nationality. The Tuzhang House built of mud and stones is very similar to the rural version of the Potala Palace.



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