云南建水古城美食,草芽米线,大板井手工小豆腐,小镇辣烤罗非鱼Traditional Food in Jianshui Ancient County, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南建水古城美食,草芽米线,大板井手工小豆腐,小镇辣烤罗非鱼Traditional Food in Jianshui Ancient County, Yunnan / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南建水古城美食,草芽米线,大板井手工小豆腐,小镇辣烤罗非鱼Traditional Food in Jianshui Ancient County, Yunnan

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-06-12 13:45:00


Jianshui in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province is famous for its ancient wells and delicacies. The clear and sweet water creates delicious food. The grass sprouts in the paddy fields are crisp and tender. Locals eat a bowl of rice noodle with grass sprouts in the morning, fresh sandwich meat and refreshing soup to wake up the day. The aunt in the tofu workshop is flying fast with her hands. The Jianshui small tofu made with Ximen Daban well water is the soul of Jianshui barbecue. Axing visited the ancient county and tasted authentic specialties.



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