山西汾阳贾樟柯餐厅,虾酱豆腐刀拨面,阿星逛汾阳老街,贾家庄Director Jia Zhangke’s Film and Food Day Tour in Fenyang, Shanxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

山西汾阳贾樟柯餐厅,虾酱豆腐刀拨面,阿星逛汾阳老街,贾家庄Director Jia Zhangke’s Film and Food Day Tour in Fenyang, Shanxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:山西汾阳贾樟柯餐厅,虾酱豆腐刀拨面,阿星逛汾阳老街,贾家庄Director Jia Zhangke’s Film and Food Day Tour in Fenyang, Shanxi

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2023-05-30 12:14:32


I first knew Fenyang in Shanxi because of the famous Fen wine, and later because of the director Jia Zhangke. Fenyang can always be associated with Jia Zhangke, and many of the scenes in his movies are taken from the local area. As a fan of Kezhang’s movies, I always want to see the inextricable connection between the small town of Fenyang and the movies. Jia Zhangke’s one-day movie and gourmet tour is perfect. Looking for those movie locations, you can even Try the director’s theme restaurant, the old street and the hometown are still there.



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