タイトル:新疆乌伦古湖全鱼宴,狗鱼炖豆腐,红烧五道黑,阿星吃鲢鱼饺子Whole Fish Feast in Wulungu Lake, Xinjiang
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2023-02-23 12:38:50
Wulungu Lake in Fuhai County, Aletai, Xinjiang is a famous golden fishing ground in northern Xinjiang. Every winter, a grand winter fishing festival is held. The cold-water fish produced are very delicious. Come here to taste the whole fish feast. Stewed tofu with pike, braised five-course black fish, zander with garlic, steamed small white strips fish, and delicious chub dumplings are all traditional local cooking methods.
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