タイトル:广西柳州螺蛳粉,阿星吃粉一日游,酸辣浓郁汤粉,红油卤味配菜The snack snail rice noodle in Liuzhou, Guangxi
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-12-09 13:53:38
When mentioning Liuzhou, Guangxi, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous snail rice noodle. This is a city with a taste. The streets are full of snail noodle retaurants with a strong sour aroma. Every local has their own taste in their hearts. The smooth rice noodles, delicious soup, and bright red oil make people want to eat. Axing started a one-day tour of snail noodle, soup noodle, dry noodle, fried noodle, and all kinds of snail noodles.
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