贵州荔波现割牛肉,糊辣椒牛肉粉,酸汤牛杂火锅,阿星吃凉拌牛血The special freshly cut beef in Libo, Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

贵州荔波现割牛肉,糊辣椒牛肉粉,酸汤牛杂火锅,阿星吃凉拌牛血The special freshly cut beef in Libo, Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:贵州荔波现割牛肉,糊辣椒牛肉粉,酸汤牛杂火锅,阿星吃凉拌牛血The special freshly cut beef in Libo, Guizhou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-11-28 11:00:52


Beef delicacy in Libo, Guizhou has its own characteristics, because it has unique requirements for the freshness of beef, so only freshly cut beef can satisfy the picky appetite of local people. As small as a bowl of beef rice noodle for breakfast, as large as a hot pot of sour soup and beef offal for lunch, the beef used must be freshly cut. The freshly cut meat is scalded for a few seconds, making it tender and delicious. Axing also tasted the rare cold beef blood here.



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