タイトル:贵州烧烤一绝,安顺九溪烤小肠,铁板煎滋滋冒油,阿星逛屯堡古村Jiuxi grilled small intestine in Anshun, Guizhou
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-08-07 11:30:14
Jiuxi Village in Anshun, Guizhou has beautiful mountains and beautiful waters. The unique Tunpu culture here has been handed down from the Ming Dynasty to the present, and the legacy of the ancient Han people can still be seen. Women still wear Fengyang Hanfu in their daily life, comb traditional hair, and wear exquisite jewelry. Jiuxi Village is most famous for its grilled small intestine, which can be said to be a must in Guizhou barbecue. The small intestine that is marinated and then roasted, sizzling oil on the iron plate, and even dancing. It is a delicious taste that you will never forget.
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