贵州安龙小吃街夜市,丝娃娃流水席,香辣红油剪粉,阿星吃辣鸡粉Snack night market in Anlong, Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

贵州安龙小吃街夜市,丝娃娃流水席,香辣红油剪粉,阿星吃辣鸡粉Snack night market in Anlong, Guizhou / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:贵州安龙小吃街夜市,丝娃娃流水席,香辣红油剪粉,阿星吃辣鸡粉Snack night market in Anlong, Guizhou

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-07-23 14:06:31


Anlong cut rice noodle is a well-known snack in the southwest of Guizhou, but when you come to Anlong, there are not only red oil cut rice noodle, but also many delicious snacks. There are many kinds of food on the night market street. Baked tofu, special candies, Si Wawa like flowing water banquets, and spicy chicken noodle with full of ingredients, the night in the small town is lively and interesting.



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