タイトル:贵州兴义酱香羊肉粉,糊辣椒汤浓肉香,阿星吃刷把头,鸡肉汤圆The traditional snacks in Xingyi, Guizhou
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-07-16 11:15:00
Guizhou mutton rice noodle is famous. The four major mutton rice noodle have their own characteristics. Xingyi mutton rice noodle can be said to be unique. It is a sauce-flavored mutton noodle with secret sauce and burnt chili. It’s fun to eat in a big bowl. Xingyi cuisine is as straightforward and unique as Xingyi people. The salty chicken Tangyuan, the Niu Dagun like the Ma Dagun, and the Shuabatou like a brush for washing a pot are all flavors that can only be found here.
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