タイトル:新疆吐鲁番火焰山,黄面烤肉套餐,3元大羊肉串,村子里的小饭馆Snack yellow noodle barbecue in Tulufan, Xinjiang
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2022-05-12 13:30:30
Xinjiang Tulufan is called Huozhou. It is the hottest place in China. It is arid, with little rainfall and strong sunshine, especially the red Flaming Mountain. Axing toured the Flaming Mountain and tasted the local specialty yellow noodle barbecue. The scorching temperature is almost causing people to suffer from heat stroke. The small restaurants in the villages in the town provide cool yellow noodle, jelly, sour and spicy taste appetizers, paired with freshly grilled mutton skewers, one bite of cold noodle and one bite of meat, instantly flicking away the heat . In the afternoon, Axing sat under a shady tree to drink tea, and the enthusiastic restaurant owner also brought out homemade raisins for him to taste.
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