云南腾冲烧肉卷粉,十几种调料加果醋,大薄片酸辣,阿星喝泡鲁达Traditional street snacks in Tengchong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南腾冲烧肉卷粉,十几种调料加果醋,大薄片酸辣,阿星喝泡鲁达Traditional street snacks in Tengchong / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南腾冲烧肉卷粉,十几种调料加果醋,大薄片酸辣,阿星喝泡鲁达Traditional street snacks in Tengchong

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-03-16 10:39:54


Wenxing Building is a landmark building in Tengchong, Yunnan. There are many local specialty snacks around Wenxing Building, which are the delicacies that locals have eaten since childhood. The old shop in the tiled house is crowded with diners. The crispy roast pork is prepared with more than a dozen kinds of seasonings and fruit vinegar, which is full of sour and spicy flavors. The pork head meat is cut into large slices, so thin that it can transmit light, and it is chewy when bitten. Axing also drank the old shop’s specialty drink, Pao Luda, which is very sweet.



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