云南腾冲和顺古镇,百年早市美食,稀豆粉大救驾,阿星吃毛豆腐Traditional snacks in Tengchong ancient town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南腾冲和顺古镇,百年早市美食,稀豆粉大救驾,阿星吃毛豆腐Traditional snacks in Tengchong ancient town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:云南腾冲和顺古镇,百年早市美食,稀豆粉大救驾,阿星吃毛豆腐Traditional snacks in Tengchong ancient town

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2022-02-20 11:00:21


Tengchong, Yunnan has been a frontier land since ancient times. It is rich in overseas Chinese culture, caravan culture, Central Plains culture and foreign culture, which together form a unique style of the small town. Axing came to the quaint and peaceful Heshun ancient town, strolled around the century-old morning market in the alley, saw all kinds of rare mountain goods, and tasted local specialties. Long-haired tofu, Er products made of rice, and traditional food, such as Dajiujia, Tounao, and other snacks are all the specialties here.



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