冬季吉林长白山,热炕火山石烤肉,酸菜五花肉,阿星滑雪泡温泉Volcanic rock barbecue in Changbai Mountain / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

冬季吉林长白山,热炕火山石烤肉,酸菜五花肉,阿星滑雪泡温泉Volcanic rock barbecue in Changbai Mountain / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:冬季吉林长白山,热炕火山石烤肉,酸菜五花肉,阿星滑雪泡温泉Volcanic rock barbecue in Changbai Mountain

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-12-16 10:59:28


Jilin Changbai Mountain is located in the golden ski area of 41 degrees north latitude, which attracts many skiers. Skiing, hot spring, and eating delicious food are the correct way to open Changbai Mountain in winter. The small village restaurant on the national highway, the combination of the northeast characteristic hot Kang and volcanic rock, is the volcanic stone barbecue that sizzles with oil. Homemade pickled cabbage and spicy cabbage, thick meat slices with green chili and garlic slices, rolled with Zisu leaves one bite. Axing starts a gourmet tour of Changbai Mountain on the snowy winter day.



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