青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-10-14 11:00:15


There are large and small hot pot restaurants and hot bars on the streets of Tongren in Qinghai. They specialize in thick yak beef hot pot. The quality of the local beef is very good, and there is no limit to the buffet. In Tongren you can not only eat good food, but the Regong area is the birthplace of the famous Chinese Tangka art, and the Tangka flourishes along the temples along the Longwu River. Axing visited Wutunxia Temple, watched the painter on-site painting, and learned about the art of Tangka production.



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