タイトル:吃烤肉来这条街,西宁大通生烤羊排,牛板筋超厚实,阿星吃炮仗面A street of raw roast lamb chops in Datong, Qinghai
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2021-10-11 11:15:00
The main food of Qinghai cuisine is to eat meat. As the old saying goes, the big lamb is beautiful, and the plump skewer of lamb is the best way to eat meat. There is a famous street for barbecue in Xining, which is the raw grilled lamb chops in Datong County. The small skewers of lamb chops here are cooked slowly from raw meat directly on the fire, and the sauce is rich and spicy. Thick beef ribs and sizzling lamb skewers fluttered in the hands of the barbecue guy, greedy everyone.
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