海南定安仙沟早市美食,大铁锅湿炒粉,鸭蛋黄肉粽,阿星吃卤牛杂Street Snacks in Ding’an Morning Market / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

海南定安仙沟早市美食,大铁锅湿炒粉,鸭蛋黄肉粽,阿星吃卤牛杂Street Snacks in Ding’an Morning Market / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:海南定安仙沟早市美食,大铁锅湿炒粉,鸭蛋黄肉粽,阿星吃卤牛杂Street Snacks in Ding’an Morning Market

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-09-15 18:15:00


Ding’an in Hainan is far from the sea. Although there are no tropical rain forests and seafood, there is no lack of history, culture and food. There are vicissitudes of ancient town and Hainan’s four great talents Zhang Yuesong. Axing tastes the three delicacies of Xiangou Morning Market, Ding’an wet fried noodle, braised beef offal, and black pork Zongzi. The sun shines through the big trees, the smoky pot gas snacks, the bustling middle-aged and elderly people, the market is full of life in the morning.



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