广西北海老街,地道家常菜馆,芋蒙炒螺榄钱汤,阿星吃酥脆虾饼Local dishes of Beihai, Guangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广西北海老街,地道家常菜馆,芋蒙炒螺榄钱汤,阿星吃酥脆虾饼Local dishes of Beihai, Guangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:广西北海老街,地道家常菜馆,芋蒙炒螺榄钱汤,阿星吃酥脆虾饼Local dishes of Beihai, Guangxi

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-07-02 11:00:02


Beihai, Guangxi is a quiet seaside town. The old street of Beihai Arcade is still prosperous after wind and rain. The most distinctive food on the street is the deep-fried shrimp cakes sold by the old aunt, there is also the authentic restaurant on the side street. Che snail and Lanqian soup, Yumeng fried snail meat, sand ginger fried beef, sea oyster fried eggs, and three kinds of Chashao, special local ingredients, are all delicious dishes often eaten by neighbors.



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