甘肃临夏小吃一绝,东乡手抓羊肉,阿星吃凉肉就大蒜,酥馓子烙饼Traditional snacks in Linxia, Gansu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

甘肃临夏小吃一绝,东乡手抓羊肉,阿星吃凉肉就大蒜,酥馓子烙饼Traditional snacks in Linxia, Gansu / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:甘肃临夏小吃一绝,东乡手抓羊肉,阿星吃凉肉就大蒜,酥馓子烙饼Traditional snacks in Linxia, Gansu

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-06-07 10:30:12


Linxia, Gansu is a Hui autonomous prefecture in western China. The hospitality of Linxia people is to take you to the famous Eight Lanes and Thirteen Alleys, a Hui settlement area composed of 8 mosques and 13 laneways. It is a classical architecture of Arab and Chinese Combined, there is a delicious snack, Dongxiang hand-caught lamb. Axing eat cold meat with garlic, crispy Sanzi and pancake, roasted Nang-wrapped meat, and Dongxiang potatoes that taste like sweet potatoes, all of which are local specialties and traditional delicacies.



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