上海宝藏菜市场,汇集老字号美食,生煎小笼馄饨,阿星吃本帮小吃Time-honored snacks in Shanghai vegetable market / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

上海宝藏菜市场,汇集老字号美食,生煎小笼馄饨,阿星吃本帮小吃Time-honored snacks in Shanghai vegetable market / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:上海宝藏菜市场,汇集老字号美食,生煎小笼馄饨,阿星吃本帮小吃Time-honored snacks in Shanghai vegetable market

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-05-18 11:00:05


How to get all of Shanghai’s local specialty snacks in one go? You can come to this Shanghai vegetable market to check in with the time-honored food. The community vegetable market in the style of the Minguo not only has a clean and tidy environment, but also gathers steaming snacks. Axing comes to taste the time-honored delicacies, fresh meat and crab Shengjian, Xiaolong Bao, Huntun, pork chop and rice cake, vegetarian dishes, white chopped chicken, all kinds of traditional pastries, you can taste all the delicacy without running around.



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