吃货的方式打开上海迪士尼,阿星吃7种小吃,欢乐梦幻美食之旅Disney’s specialty snacks in Shanghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

吃货的方式打开上海迪士尼,阿星吃7种小吃,欢乐梦幻美食之旅Disney’s specialty snacks in Shanghai / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:吃货的方式打开上海迪士尼,阿星吃7种小吃,欢乐梦幻美食之旅Disney’s specialty snacks in Shanghai

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-05-12 11:00:04


Everyone has a fairy tale world in their hearts, and Disneyland is such a joyous and dreamy existence. Those animated images that exist in the second dimension are given their souls. Here, whether they are innocent children or adults who have not grown up, they can find their own Mickey and Buzz Lightyear. Axing opened Shanghai Disneyland in the way of food, tasted a variety of specialty snacks, and started a gourmet tour of the park.



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