江西鄱阳湖赣菜,油辣咸香,鳜鱼银鱼小龙虾,阿星渔村吃藜蒿腊肉Gan cuisine in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

江西鄱阳湖赣菜,油辣咸香,鳜鱼银鱼小龙虾,阿星渔村吃藜蒿腊肉Gan cuisine in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour



タイトル:江西鄱阳湖赣菜,油辣咸香,鳜鱼银鱼小龙虾,阿星渔村吃藜蒿腊肉Gan cuisine in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2021-04-10 11:00:01


There are many branches of Jiangxi Gan cuisine. Poyang Lake cuisine, as an important branch of Gan cuisine, pays attention to spicy and salty flavor, and makes good use of local lake fresh products. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. It is rich in fish and plants. The local farmhouses can make a lot of delicious food with local materials. Stewed Gui fish, beer duck, spicy crayfish, whitebait fried spring leek, and there is also the fried bacon with Lihao, which is known as one of the top ten famous dishes of Gan cuisine, are all local specialties. Axing enjoys the lake view and tastes farm dishes.



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