广东赤坎古镇美食三宝,柴火黄鳝煲仔饭,鱼滑豆腐角,三扣糖水Cantonese Claypot rice in Chikan Ancient Town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

广东赤坎古镇美食三宝,柴火黄鳝煲仔饭,鱼滑豆腐角,三扣糖水Cantonese Claypot rice in Chikan Ancient Town / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:广东赤坎古镇美食三宝,柴火黄鳝煲仔饭,鱼滑豆腐角,三扣糖水Cantonese Claypot rice in Chikan Ancient Town

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-12-04 10:39:13


Chikan Ancient Town is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. There are not only antique arcade buildings, but also three treasures of food. Firewood is used to make claypot rice. The finely-grained silk rice is added with eel and bacon sausage, poured in special soy sauce for seasoning, and there is also a crispy golden rice at the bottom of the claypot. The fish-smooth tofu triangleis, fried golden on both sides, and crispy in the mouth. There are also dessert shops in the streets and alleys of Guangdong. The sweet three-buckle syrup is added with Chikan’s characteristic red beans. Axing tastes delicious Cantonese street snacks.



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