顺德粥水火锅,大米稀饭做汤底,海鲜10元一份,阿星品尝广东鲜味Rice porridge hot pot in Shunde / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

顺德粥水火锅,大米稀饭做汤底,海鲜10元一份,阿星品尝广东鲜味Rice porridge hot pot in Shunde / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:顺德粥水火锅,大米稀饭做汤底,海鲜10元一份,阿星品尝广东鲜味Rice porridge hot pot in Shunde

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-11-22 11:00:03


Cantonese people’s research on food can be said to be extremely meticulous. The biggest insight from food tasting in Shunde is that even simple food can be cooked with unique flavors as long as you use your heart. The combination of ordinary Shenggun porridge and the Dabianlu has become Shunde’s characteristic rice porridge hot pot. The fragrant rice white porridge makes the bottom of the pot, the taste is smooth and long, followed by seafood, meat dishes, vegetables, taste the original flavor of the ingredients, and finally a pot of delicious porridge. Fresh ingredients are 10 yuan a plate, cheap and healthy. Axing tastes the delicious taste of Guangdong.



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