西双版纳勐海烤鸡,国道边小店,铁板碳烤三线肉,阿星品尝哈尼族美食鸡稀饭Menghai snack roast chicken in Xishuangbanna / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

西双版纳勐海烤鸡,国道边小店,铁板碳烤三线肉,阿星品尝哈尼族美食鸡稀饭Menghai snack roast chicken in Xishuangbanna / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:西双版纳勐海烤鸡,国道边小店,铁板碳烤三线肉,阿星品尝哈尼族美食鸡稀饭Menghai snack roast chicken in Xishuangbanna

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-10-26 11:00:02


Menghai County in Xishuangbanna is known as the first county for Pu’er tea in China. Not only Pu’er tea but also Menghai roast chicken is available here. The young chicken of Camellia Chicken is coated with salt on the skin and baked directly on the iron plate. The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, the meat is delicious. Roasted three-line meat, using belly pork, fat and lean, red and bright, thin slices taste very good. There is also chicken porridge, a specialty of the Hani nationality, and glutinous rice is boiled in chicken soup, which is delicious. Axing tastes the Menghai barbecue restaurant on the side of the national highway.



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