云南西双版纳傣味烧烤,夺命小串香辣,炒苦果,阿星吃油呛臭牛皮Dai-flavor street food in Xishuangbanna,China / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour

云南西双版纳傣味烧烤,夺命小串香辣,炒苦果,阿星吃油呛臭牛皮Dai-flavor street food in Xishuangbanna,China / 阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


タイトル:云南西双版纳傣味烧烤,夺命小串香辣,炒苦果,阿星吃油呛臭牛皮Dai-flavor street food in Xishuangbanna,China

投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour


公開日時:2020-10-18 11:00:01


Yunnan barbecue is a unique existence in the whole country, Xishuangbanna Dai-flavor barbecue is a delicacy that cannot be ignored among all kinds of Yunnan barbecue. Dai-flavored barbecue pays attention to the combination of seasonings and dipping water. The taste is spicy and the ingredients are diverse. Many dishes are not available elsewhere. The Duoming Xiaochuna is spicy and crispy, grilled tilapia with lemongrass, deep-fried bitter fruit, and oily stinky cowhide are all rare delicacies.



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