タイトル:吉林延边东北大串,烧烤好吃全凭串料,辣苦啤酒锅,阿星煮肉蓉面Yanji Street Food Beer Pot in China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-09-08 10:25:48
If you don’t have a small barbecue when you come to the Northeast China, doesn’t that mean you have not come? People in Yanbian, Jilin, love Northeast barbecue. There are large and small Chuan Restaurants on the street. When night falls, three or five friends meet for barbecue. There is a special barbecue grill with strong carbon fire temperature. The locals have their own secret roasting method. Various parts of beef and mutton can be roasted. The beer pot is bitter and spicy, and Axing cooks minced meat noodles in it.
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