タイトル:延吉水上市场,凌晨5点开市,朝鲜族美食汤饭,阿星品尝米肠年糕Korean snacks at Yanji Riverside Market, China
投稿者:阿星探店Chinese Food Tour
公開日時:2020-08-20 11:06:39
Yanji, a small border town in the northeast, is the capital of Yanbian Chinese Korean Autonomous Prefecture. Here you can not only experience the cultural customs of the Korean ethnic group, but also taste authentic cuisine. The lively riverside market opens at 5 a.m. and ends at 8 a.m., a variety of specialties and snacks, rice soup, rice intestines, fried chicken, seaweed rice, rice cakes, are not available elsewhere. Axing got up early to taste the Korean-style breakfast.
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